The film focuses on Laine (Olivia Cooke), her sister Sarah (Ana Coto) and their friends, Pete (Douglas Smith), Trevor (Daren Kagasoff), and Isabelle (Bianca A. Santos) who try to contact the spirit of their friend Debbie (Shelley Hennig), who had committed suicide by hanging.
The film starts off with young Laine and Debbie playing and messing around with a Ouija board. Trying to contact a spirit as they consider the board "just a game". But to no avail, they do not contact any apparent spirits.
Flash forward into present day, Debbie had killed herself at home after burning a Ouija board. Her family is unwilling to stay in the house and leave Laine to housesit for the time being. Laine encourage the others to try to contact Debbie’s spirit via a Ouija board that she had discovered in Debbie's room, unaware that this is what led Debbie to her death. Laine warns her friends that they must always say goodbye before they finish playing and that they should not use the board in a graveyard.
Initially the group believes that they have contacted Debbie as they receive the message “hi friend”. But they quickly discover that the entity they have contacted is extremely malicious. The entity terrorizes the group and kills Isabelle. The group determines that the only way to find out what is going on is to investigate the house, which results in them discovering that a woman supposedly murdered her child Doris (Sierra Heuermann) at that same location. Laine and the others manage to locate Doris’s sister Paulina (Lin Shaye), who has been living in an insane asylum for years. Paulina informs them that her mother frequently contacted spirits and turned evil, going so far as to sew Doris’s mouth shut. She further states Doris’s corpse is still in the basement of the house and that the only way to stop everything is to remove the stitches from the corpse’s mouth.
The group rushes to do this and stop the mother’s reign of terror, only for them to find that this is unsuccessful as Doris is the true evil spirit haunting the group. They seek additional assistance from Laine’s grandmother (Vivis Colombetti), who tells them that the only way to stop the ghost is to burn the corpse and Ouija board. This proves easier said than done, as Doris manages to kill Pete and Trevor before Debbie’s spirit intervenes and protects Laine from being killed as well. Laine manages to destroy both articles and she and Sarah escape - only to find the planchette from the Ouija board waiting for her at home.
IMDB Rating: 4.5/10 from 2,807 votes
Release: 2014 / Ouija
Director: Stiles White
Stars: Olivia Cooke, Ana Coto, Daren Kagasoff
Synopsis: A girl is mysteriously killed after recording herself playing with an ancient Ouija Board, which leads to a close group of friends to investigate this board. They later find out that some things aren't meant to be played with, especially the 'other side'.
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